As a part of his American tour, Geert Wilders appeared  on Sean Hannity’s program on FOX News. The two men discussed the constricted life Mr. Wilders is forced to live as a result of constant death threats, the erosion of free speech in Europe, and the danger posed by the global spread of Islamic fanaticism.

Geert Wilders is a hunted man.Marked_for_Death

He lives under 24/7 armed guard, is driven to work in an armored car, and resides in a bomb and bullet proof safe house. Why?

Because Geert Wilders is marked for death by Islamic extremists.

And now in his new book, Marked for Death, Geert Wilders tells his never-before-published story about the jihad being waged against him—and the West—by radical Islamists.


Source: Gates of Vienna: Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Related: Geert Wilders website