Thursday, May 2, 2024
The truest insanity and greatest existential threat to the United States of America, is President Joe Biden's Green New Deal for threatening the entire body of Private Property Rights by any notion of “going off of fossil fuel.” Let's start with this written explanation of Fee Simple Land Ownership in...
Here's the links to 3 of many articles I wrote at the time, note there are odd symbols to replace quotation marks due to the site having been hacked more than 20 times. Also some videos have been removed from youtube and the web since when these articles were...
Read the link to this paragraph through and you'll see the biggest reason Wikipedia needs to be rejected, ignored, and if possible never used. I strongly suggest everyone review their use of Wikipedia for any reference that treats it as a form of encyclopedia as Wikipedia is one of...
Want a reflection of why it's important that Google & other “Big Tech” firms are denied their claim “objective algorithms” are the cause of filtered Search Engine results? “Hydroycholroquine” helps everyone, even Google funded Jim Sensenbrenner, understand. In the grand worldwide reality of Covid-19 people, especially international travelers, see a...
First let's learn why “Level 4 Labs” like the Wuhan Virology Lab exist from the author of the 1989 Biological Weapons Convention, where the legal reasons for the existence of these Level 4 Labs began: I included this video featuring Sam Faddis, a man whom I've had communications with via...
  Some years back I got this book, The Cancer Cure that Worked: 50 Years of Suppression by Barry Lynes ( So as you can see from the title the book asserts a suppression of its contents, the story of Doctor Royal Raymond Rife (which the book being on Amazon entirely...
  Comes now We The People (as one stands for Liberty they are a Majority) before the Juror United States Senate. We appear before you intended to establish to the Jurors of the Court for the Trial of Impeachments that the Articles of Impeachment to Impeach the 45th President of...
The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. Dr. Jack Kevorkian was the Michigan pathologist and euthanasia advocate who supported a patient's right to die by physician-assisted...
Territories considered for "Aztlán"
If the alleged El Paso killer's so-called manifesto against Mexican "invaders" is to be taken seriously, what we have seen is a bloodthirsty backlash to a well-established political movement that seeks to diminish the influence of white voters and replace their role in American society with that of brown...