Tuesday, May 7, 2024
And who ever heard of the case of Zaki al-Hobby, a 17-year old Palestinian who was shot and killed last weekend by Egyptian border guards? Had he been shot by Israeli soldiers on the other side of the border, the EU and UN would have called for an...
Barry Shaw
In fifty days of Gaza conflict, Israel launched 5500 precision air strikes against terror targets. In 70+ days the US launched less than 400 strikes in Iraq and Syria against ISIS. Why? It’s not lack of planes and fire power. It’s a lack of political will, despite all the...
HISTORY REPEATS ITSELFThe Yalta Conference briefing book stated that the United States did not favor any Chinese political faction, but only “a broadly representative government which will bring about internal unity, including reconcilement of Kuomintang-Communist differences.” In an echo familiar from countless modern-day speeches...
As we kept providing incentives for unacceptable behavior, Beijing predictably became less cooperative and more assertive. Worse, the less and less the Chinese felt the desire to engage us, the more and more we felt the need to engage them. If we do not change our policies, our...
<! is looking after three million refugees. What did they say? We'll give you €3 billion. Well, have they given us any of that money until now? No. They're still stroking the ball around midfield. If you're going to give it, just give it. "These administrators come here,...
El Houni said that Maiteeg is not himself an Islamist, but that he is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, to which he owes his rise to power. Islamist militants in Libya now feel free to act, and lead the country into becoming a safe haven for Muslim Brotherhood members...
BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 183, October 11, 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The international community appears unlikely to take military action against the Iranian nuclear weapons program because of the “Ostrich Syndrome” – a reluctance to deal with difficult problems and a preference to ignore them. The historical record shows...
Election Coverage 2048 - Al-CNN As the election of 2048 approaches, the candidates from both parties continue to exchange strong views on the issues that affect the lives of Americans. The Party of Democracy and Justice (Hezb-Al-Dimukratie-Wa'al Adalah) continues to maintain that the election will come down to social justice...
Military adventure is often the best option for a despotic regime undergoing fiasco            “The people crave destruction of Israel!” These were the slogans thousandsof people came with to a massive demonstration in Al-Azhar Mosque - the spiritual bastion of "Muslim Brotherhood" in Egypt. However remarkable this event was,...