Thursday, May 2, 2024
October 2, 2014 Right to exist determined by revamped history Hearing the defamatory accusations with which numerous countries blasted Israel during the UN Human Rights Commission meetings last week in Geneva, it is a wonder that any nation would be given latitude to call themselves sovereign by United Nations standards. In fact, by the...
First, President Donald Trump has firmly denounced White Supremacy: Full denouncement of White Supremacy by President Trump highlighting how President Trump accurately said “racism is evil” in the title and upholding the fact President Trump's denouncement didn't qualify any specific type of racism is evil but all racism is evil,...
Want a reflection of why it's important that Google & other “Big Tech” firms are denied their claim “objective algorithms” are the cause of filtered Search Engine results? “Hydroycholroquine” helps everyone, even Google funded Jim Sensenbrenner, understand. In the grand worldwide reality of Covid-19 people, especially international travelers, see a...
First let's learn why “Level 4 Labs” like the Wuhan Virology Lab exist from the author of the 1989 Biological Weapons Convention, where the legal reasons for the existence of these Level 4 Labs began: I included this video featuring Sam Faddis, a man whom I've had communications with via...
  Some years back I got this book, The Cancer Cure that Worked: 50 Years of Suppression by Barry Lynes ( So as you can see from the title the book asserts a suppression of its contents, the story of Doctor Royal Raymond Rife (which the book being on Amazon entirely...
WaPo Shills for Soros
Soros and his NGOs have essentially taken over the operations of the U.S. government in Ukraine. Open Society or Aspen Institute people have been placed strategically in positions of power throughout the Department of State, CIA, FBI, USAID, and other American governmental instruments.
No one, not one Democrat would care what happened between Donald Trump and the Ukraine but for Joe Biden's actions in 2014. So let's review a moment.... In 2014 did Joe Biden know he was going to run to be the President of the United States in 2020? Nope. And what did...
Tourists that visit the Colosseum in Rome these days are getting quite a shock.  A gigantic statue of a pagan Canaanite deity known as “Molech” has been erected right at the entrance.  In ancient times, those that served Molech would literally sacrifice their children to him, and apparently this...
Time to macro focus out for the truth again, a reality that we can't allow to get lost in the wilderness: 1) 2) 3) 4) Podesta and Wasserman Shultz (plausible deniers) deny everything, And, it gets worse,... Feb 2017, Apr 2017, Aug 2018, Party Time! Er... what I mean is, who are...