Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Media ignore that BCF is really eco-group in disguise that supports Markey legislation to ban chemicals like BPA.  Susan G. Komen Foundation beaten up by anti-chemical left when it found 'scant' evidence of BPA danger.  Fear of chemicals and “toxins” is rampant among the so-called “environmental” left. Unfortunately, that...
Common Core Standards
Right Side News has been reporting on progressive education reformers and the Common Core Standards being implemented in our public schools across the nation. Here is an excellent article with videos detailing how the Obama Administration is requiring the public schools in your county through grants (bribes) to adopt...
President Obama's student-lending reforms promise dramatic changes to the way students pay for college. And while some believe the new system will help the millions of students and graduates whose student loan debt now outpaces national consumer credit card debt, others are wary of the legal, social, and financial...
Repeal ObamaCare
Though the government’s entitlement spending is still spiraling out of control, taxpayers have finally caught a break: The recently passed “fiscal cliff” deal included the repeal of one of Obamacare’s worst provisions, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act.  The CLASS Act was a new entitlement program...
This report from DTN focuses on the Pacific Educational Group, or PEG.  Main Objectives: First, PEG teaches that the systemic racism" of America's "white culture" is the major cause of black and Hispanic students' academic underachievement. Second, PEG charges six-figure sums to conduct "diversity training" in public school systems across...
There is not a single empty bed available for an Ebola patient in Liberia right now, but thousands more cases are expected in the coming weeks.  Entire families have been driving around in taxis looking for some place that will take their sick family members, but every treatment facility...
Read a Book
This country, for the last 80 years, has been living through what future historians might call the Great American Reading Swindle. The experts claimed to believe in a method that didn’t work. In order to protect it, and to shield themselves from charges of educational malpractice, they generated endless...
Robert Pear of the New York Times recently described the “symbiotic” relationship between the Obama administration and health insurers. It was not always so: But since the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010, the relationship between the Obama administration and insurers has evolved into a powerful, mutually...
John R Graham
Medicare Advantage consists of private plans in which Medicare beneficiaries can choose to enroll. They were made more popular by the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, which also introduced Medicare’s drug benefit (Part D). If not for Medicare Advantage, beneficiaries would be stuck in the traditional Medicare Part A...